File of Package hips

###  HIPS specific compilation flags

##   Arithmetic
##    - default is -DTYPE_REAL in double precision (-DPREC_DOUBLE)
##    - use -DTYPE_COMPLEX to build Complex version of HIPS
##    - use -DPREC_SIMPLE to compute in single precision




##   Partitionner
##    - default partitioner is METIS
##    - use -DSCOTCH_PART to use SCOTCH


##   Integer size
##    - default int type is    : INTS = INTL = int (C type length)
##    - use -DINTSIZE32 to set : INTS = INTEGER(4) and INTL = INTEGER(4)
##    - use -DINTSIZE64 to set : INTS = INTEGER(4) and INTL = INTEGER(8)

INTSIZE      =

###  Compiler

ARCH       = -DLINUX

CC	   = gcc       # C compiler 
MPICC      = mpicc
FC         = gfortran  # Fortran compiler 
MPIFC      = mpif90
LD	   = $(FC)     # Linker
MPILD      = $(MPIFC)

CFLAGS	   = $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -fPIC         # Additional C compiler flags
FFLAGS	   = $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -fPIC         # Additional Fortran compiler flags
LFLAGS     = $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -fPIC         # Additional linker flags

COPTFLAGS  = -O2       # Optimization flags
FOPTFLAGS  = -O2       # 

###  Library

IBLAS      =           # BLAS include path
LBLAS      = -lblas    # BLAS linker flags

IMPI       =           # Additional MPI include path
LMPI       =           # Additional MPI linker flags

##   METIS_DIR : path to METIS
METIS_DIR  = /usr
IMETIS     = -I$(METIS_DIR)/include
LMETIS     = -lmetis

##   SCOTCH_DIR : path to SCOTCH
ISCOTCH    = -I$(SCOTCH_DIR)/include
LSCOTCH    = -lscotch -lscotcherr

###  Misc

MAKE	   = make
AR	   = ar
ARFLAGS	   = -crs
LN	   = ln
CP	   = cp


##   Uncomment that to run in DEBUG mode
#DEBUG     = -g -DDEBUG_M
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