File uwsgi-2.0.12-no-LD_RUN_PATH.patch of Package uwsgi
--- a/plugins/jvm/
+++ b/plugins/jvm/
@@ -69,11 +69,6 @@ if "-framework JavaVM" in JVM_LIBPATH:
GCC_LIST = ['jvm_plugin']
-if 'LD_RUN_PATH' in os.environ:
- os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] += ':' + JVM_LIBPATH[0][2:]
- os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = JVM_LIBPATH[0][2:]
def post_build(config):
if"javac %s/plugins/jvm/" % os.getcwd(), shell=True) != 0:
--- a/plugins/php/
+++ b/plugins/php/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ LDFLAGS = os.popen(PHPPATH + ' --ldflags
if ld_run_path:
LDFLAGS.append('-L%s' % ld_run_path)
- os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = ld_run_path
# PHP8 and above does not add the version to the library
# name
--- a/plugins/python/
+++ b/plugins/python/
@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ if not 'UWSGI_PYTHON_NOLIB' in os.enviro
LDFLAGS.append("-L%s" % libdir)
LDFLAGS.append("-Wl,-rpath,%s" % libdir)
- os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = "%s" % libdir
LIBS.append('-lpython%s' % get_python_version())
LIBS = []
--- a/plugins/rack/
+++ b/plugins/rack/
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ LIBS = os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"requir
if has_shared == 'yes':
LDFLAGS.append('-L' + libpath )
- os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = libpath
LIBS.append(os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"require 'rbconfig';print '-l' + %s::CONFIG['RUBY_SO_NAME']\"" % rbconfig).read().rstrip())
rubylibdir = os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"require 'rbconfig';print RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir']\"").read().rstrip()
--- a/plugins/ruby19/
+++ b/plugins/ruby19/
@@ -42,6 +42,5 @@ LDFLAGS = os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"req
libpath = os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"require 'rbconfig';print %s::CONFIG['libdir']\"" % rbconfig).read().rstrip()
LDFLAGS.append('-L' + libpath )
-os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = libpath
LIBS = os.popen(RUBYPATH + " -e \"require 'rbconfig';print '-l' + %s::CONFIG['RUBY_SO_NAME']\"" % rbconfig).read().rstrip().split()