
Request 135173 accepted

- 2.23.0
- add code to support thin provisioning in LVM VG (fate#313905)
- log stderr and stdout of init scripts (bnc#781145)
- use ButtonBox widget where appropriate (bnc#701255)
- prevent cloning of /dev/tmpfs storage container (bnc#776365)

Request History
Thomas Fehr's avatar

fehr created request

- 2.23.0
- add code to support thin provisioning in LVM VG (fate#313905)
- log stderr and stdout of init scripts (bnc#781145)
- use ButtonBox widget where appropriate (bnc#701255)
- prevent cloning of /dev/tmpfs storage container (bnc#776365)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

the package is still building for repository openSUSE_Factory

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar approved review


Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review


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