
Request 155288 accepted

- update to 2.3.16 (bnc#800320) CVE-2013-0333
- fixing load error messages
- html_escape should escape single quotes
- Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend
Fixes CVE-2013-0333. The ActiveSupport::JSON::Backends::Yaml
class is present but the functionality has been removed
- obsoletes 3-0-escape_html-activesupport.patch:
- update to 2.3.15: (bnc#796712, bnc#797449, bnc#797452)
* Hash.from_xml raises when it encounters type="symbol" or
type="yaml". Use Hash.from_trusted_xml to parse this XML.
CVE-2013-0156 [Jeremy Kemper]

Request History
Stefan Lijewski's avatar

lijews created request

- update to 2.3.16 (bnc#800320) CVE-2013-0333
- fixing load error messages
- html_escape should escape single quotes
- Add an OkJson backend and remove the YAML backend
Fixes CVE-2013-0333. The ActiveSupport::JSON::Backends::Yaml
class is present but the functionality has been removed
- obsoletes 3-0-escape_html-activesupport.patch:
- update to 2.3.15: (bnc#796712, bnc#797449, bnc#797452)
* Hash.from_xml raises when it encounters type="symbol" or
type="yaml". Use Hash.from_trusted_xml to parse this XML.
CVE-2013-0156 [Jeremy Kemper]

Stefan Lijewski's avatar

lijews accepted request

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