
Request 635318 revoked

* update to GTK+ 3.94.0
* Removed APIs and features
- non-platform IM modules
- papi and test print backends
* Drop upstream gtkmm.patch
* Add fix.patch to fix build


Luciano Santos's avatar

First, I thank you for your contribution. And second, this is... really messy. I have two suggestions here: 1) you bear with me through the review or 2) you let me or someone else do this update.

I make this suggestions because this is really messy: wrong indentation bullets, changes entries without reasoning, obscure patch name and lack of reasoning, no mention of gstreamer-player BR addition and why, no mention of sub-packages removal and possibly Obsoletes tags or they'll get orphaned in users' systems, lack of punctuation marks, 67 characters line size limit, among other things :-|

Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar

configure script would fail without gstreamer-player - likely because of this changelog entry: * There is support for displaying media, with GtkVideo, GtkMediaFile, GtkMediaStream, GtkMediaControls

I can rename the build-fix patch... or you do a cleaner version of the update. I'd prefer not to spend much more time on this, just to get the one-line fix in.

Luciano Santos's avatar

OK. I'll clean it up.

Request History
Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar

bmwiedemann created request

* update to GTK+ 3.94.0
* Removed APIs and features
- non-platform IM modules
- papi and test print backends
* Drop upstream gtkmm.patch
* Add fix.patch to fix build

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot accepted review

Check script succeeded

Luciano Santos's avatar

luc14n0 declined review

Luciano Santos's avatar

luc14n0 declined request

Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar

bmwiedemann revoked request

This is now fixed in Factory. thanks.

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