
Request 673259 accepted

- Remove
since rustdoc plugins are fixed since version 1.27.1 (bsc#1100691,

- Update to version 1.31.1
+ Fix Rust failing to build on `powerpc-unknown-netbsd`
+ Fix broken go-to-definition in RLS
+ Fix infinite loop on hover in RLS

- Update to version 1.31.0
+ Language
- This version marks the release of the 2018 edition of Rust.
- New lifetime elision rules now allow for eliding lifetimes in functions and
impl headers. E.g. `impl<'a> Reader for BufReader<'a> {}` can now be
`impl Reader for BufReader<'_> {}`. Lifetimes are still required to be defined
in structs.
- You can now define and use `const` functions. These are currently
a strict minimal subset of the const fn RFC. Refer to the
[language reference][const-reference] for what exactly is available.
- You can now use tool lints, which allow you to scope lints from external
tools using attributes. E.g. `#[allow(clippy::filter_map)]`.
- `#[no_mangle]` and `#[export_name]` attributes can now be located anywhere in
a crate, not just in exported functions.
- You can now use parentheses in pattern matches.
+ Compiler
- Updated musl to 1.1.20
+ Libraries
- You can now convert `num::NonZero*` types to their raw equivalvents using the
`From` trait. E.g. `u8` now implements `From`.


Leap Reviewbot's avatar

openSUSE:Leap:15.1:SLE-workarounds/rust@1 -> openSUSE:Leap:15.1/rust

expected origin is 'SUSE:SLE-15:Update' (changed)

found package in openSUSE:Leap:15.1:SLE-workarounds

sr#667685 to openSUSE:Factory has different sources

Comment (at)leaper override accept to force accept.

the submitted sources are NOT in Factory

Request History
Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory created request

- Remove
since rustdoc plugins are fixed since version 1.27.1 (bsc#1100691,

- Update to version 1.31.1
+ Fix Rust failing to build on `powerpc-unknown-netbsd`
+ Fix broken go-to-definition in RLS
+ Fix infinite loop on hover in RLS

- Update to version 1.31.0
+ Language
- This version marks the release of the 2018 edition of Rust.
- New lifetime elision rules now allow for eliding lifetimes in functions and
impl headers. E.g. `impl<'a> Reader for BufReader<'a> {}` can now be
`impl Reader for BufReader<'_> {}`. Lifetimes are still required to be defined
in structs.
- You can now define and use `const` functions. These are currently
a strict minimal subset of the const fn RFC. Refer to the
[language reference][const-reference] for what exactly is available.
- You can now use tool lints, which allow you to scope lints from external
tools using attributes. E.g. `#[allow(clippy::filter_map)]`.
- `#[no_mangle]` and `#[export_name]` attributes can now be located anywhere in
a crate, not just in exported functions.
- You can now use parentheses in pattern matches.
+ Compiler
- Updated musl to 1.1.20
+ Libraries
- You can now convert `num::NonZero*` types to their raw equivalvents using the
`From` trait. E.g. `u8` now implements `From`.

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added rust as a reviewer

submitter not devel maintainer

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added leap-reviewers as a reviewer

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added openSUSE:Leap:15.1:Staging:D as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Leap:15.1:Staging:D"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Leap:15.1:Staging:D

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel accepted review

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper accepted review

overridden by maxlin_factory

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted review


Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted review

ready to accept

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory approved review

ready to accept

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Leap:15.1

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