
Request 719580 accepted

- Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations.
* Change URL and Source0 to actual project homepage.
* Remove macro %{?systemd_requires} and rm (not needed).
* Add %autopatch macro.
* Add %make_build macro.
- Chenged patch wpa_supplicant-flush-debug-output.patch (to -p1).
- Changed service-files for start after network (systemd-networkd).

Илья Индиго's avatar

Please, could you update from my project Mata-information (description and url). I thought it would come up when making the request, but this is not how it works.

Request History
Илья Индиго's avatar

13ilya created request

- Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations.
* Change URL and Source0 to actual project homepage.
* Remove macro %{?systemd_requires} and rm (not needed).
* Add %autopatch macro.
* Add %make_build macro.
- Chenged patch wpa_supplicant-flush-debug-output.patch (to -p1).
- Changed service-files for start after network (systemd-networkd).

Karol Babioch's avatar

kbabioch accepted request

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