
Request 840263 accepted

- Disable more tests failing for Python 3.6
- Don't bother with python2 tests
- Update to version 20.9.0 (2020-09-22)
+ Features
* The embedded libev is now asked to detect the availability of
clock_gettime and use the realtime and/or monotonic clocks,
if they are available.
* On Linux, this can reduce the number of system calls libev
makes. Originally provided by Josh Snyder. See
+ Bugfixes
* On CPython, depend on greenlet >= 0.4.17. This version is
binary incompatible with earlier releases on CPython 3.7 and
* On Python 3.7 and above, the module gevent.contextvars is no
longer monkey-patched into the standard library. contextvars
are now both greenlet and asyncio task local. See
:issue:`1656`. See :issue:`issue1674`.
* The DummyThread objects created automatically by certain
operations when the standard library threading module is
monkey-patched now match the naming convention the standard
library uses ("Dummy-12345"). Previously (since gevent 1.2a2)
they used "DummyThread-12345". See :issue:`1659`.
* Fix compatibility with dnspython 2.
* Caution!
* This currently means that it can be imported. But it cannot
yet be used. gevent has a pinned dependency on dnspython < 2
for now.
* See :issue:`1661`.
- Update to version 20.6.2 (2020-06-16)
+ Features
* It is now possible to build and use the embedded libuv on a
Cygwin platform.
* Note that Cygwin is not an officially supported platform of
upstream libuv and is not tested by gevent, so the actual
working status is unknown, and this may bitrot in future
* Thanks to berkakinci for the patch. See :issue:`issue1645`.
+ Bugfixes
* Relax the version constraint for psutil on PyPy.
* Previously it was pinned to 5.6.3 for PyPy2, except for on
Windows, where it was excluded. It is now treated the same as
CPython again. See :issue:`issue1643`.
- Update to version 20.6.1 (2020-06-10)
+ Features
* gevent's CI is now tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), an
upgrade from 16.04 (Xenial). See :issue:`1623`.
+ Bugfixes
* On Python 2, the dnspython resolver can be used without
having selectors2 installed. Previously, an ImportError would
be raised. See :issue:`issue1641`.
* Python 3 gevent.ssl.SSLSocket objects no longer attempt to
catch ConnectionResetError and treat it the same as an
SSLError with SSL_ERROR_EOF (typically by suppressing it).
* This was a difference from the way the standard library
behaved (which is to raise the exception). It was added to
gevent during early testing of OpenSSL 1.1 and TLS 1.3. See
- Update to version 20.6.0 (2020-06-06)
+ Features
* Add gevent.selectors containing GeventSelector. This selector
implementation uses gevent details to attempt to reduce
overhead when polling many file descriptors, only some of
which become ready at any given time.
* This is monkey-patched as selectors.DefaultSelector by
* This is available on Python 2 if the selectors2 backport is
installed. (This backport is installed automatically using
the recommended extra.) When monkey-patching, selectors is
made available as an alias to this module. See :issue:`1532`.
* Depend on greenlet >= 0.4.16. This is required for CPython
3.9 and 3.10a0. See :issue:`1627`.
* Add support for Python 3.9.
* No binary wheels are available yet, however. See
+ Bugfixes
* gevent.socket.create_connection and
gevent.socket.socket.connect no longer ignore IPv6 scope IDs.
* Any IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is no longer subject to an
extra call to getaddrinfo. Depending on the resolver in use,
this is likely to change the number and order of greenlet
switches. (On Windows, in particular test cases when there
are no other greenlets running, it has been observed to lead
to LoopExit in scenarios that didn't produce that before.)
See :issue:`1634`.
- Update to version 20.5.2 (2020-05-28)
+ Bugfixes
* Forking a process that had use the threadpool to run tasks
that created their own hub would fail to clean up the
threadpool by raising greenlet.error. See :issue:`1631`.
- Update to version 20.5.1 (2020-05-26)
+ Features
* Waiters on Event and Semaphore objects that call wait() or
acquire(), respectively, that find the Event already set, or
the Semaphore available, no longer "cut in line" and run
before any previously scheduled greenlets. They now run in
the order in which they arrived, just as waiters that had to
block in those methods do. See :issue:`1520`.
* Update tested PyPy version from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1 on Linux. See
* Make zope.interface, zope.event and (by extension) setuptools
required dependencies. The events install extra now does
nothing and will be removed in 2021. See :issue:`1619`.
* Update bundled libuv from 1.36.0 to 1.38.0. See
* Update bundled c-ares from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1.
* On macOS, stop trying to adjust c-ares headers to make them
universal. See :issue:`1624`.
+ Bugfixes
* Make gevent locks that are monkey-patched usually work across
native threads as well as across greenlets within a single
thread. Locks that are only used in a single thread do not
take a performance hit. While cross-thread locking is
relatively expensive, and not a recommended programming
pattern, it can happen unwittingly, for example when using
the threadpool and logging.
* Before, cross-thread lock uses might succeed, or, if the lock
was contended, raise greenlet.error. Now, in the contended
case, if the lock has been acquired by the main thread at
least once, it should correctly block in any thread,
cooperating with the event loop of both threads. In certain
(hopefully rare) cases, it might be possible for contended
case to raise LoopExit when previously it would have raised
greenlet.error; if these cases are a practical concern,
please open an issue.
* Also, the underlying Semaphore always behaves in an atomic
fashion (as if the GIL was not released) when PURE_PYTHON is
set. Previously, it only correctly did so on PyPy. See
* Rename gevent's C accelerator extension modules using a
prefix to avoid clashing with other C extensions. See
* Using gevent.wait on an Event more than once, when that Event
is already set, could previously raise an AssertionError.
* As part of this, exceptions raised in the main greenlet will
now include a more complete traceback from the failing
greenlet. See :issue:`1540`.
* Avoid closing the same Python libuv watcher IO object twice.
Under some circumstances (only seen on Windows), that could
lead to program crashes. See :issue:`1587`.
* gevent can now be built using Cython 3.0a5 and newer. The
PyPI distribution uses this version.
* The libev extension was incompatible with this. As part of
this, certain internal, undocumented names have been changed.
* (Technically, gevent can be built with Cython 3.0a2 and
above. However, up through 3.0a4 compiling with Cython 3
results in gevent's test for memory leaks failing. See this
Cython issue.) See :issue:`1599`.
* Destroying a hub after joining it didn't necessarily clean up
all resources associated with the hub, especially if the hub
had been created in a secondary thread that was exiting. The
hub and its parent greenlet could be kept alive.
* Now, destroying a hub drops the reference to the hub and
ensures it cannot be switched to again. (Though using a new
blocking API call may still create a new hub.)
* Joining a hub also cleans up some (small) memory resources
that might have stuck around for longer before as well. See
* Fix some potential crashes under libuv when using
gevent.signal_handler. The crashes were seen running the test
suite and were non-deterministic. See :issue:`1606`.
- Update to version 20.5.0 (2020-05-01)
+ Features
* Update bundled c-ares to version 1.16.0. Changes. See
* Update all the bundled config.guess and config.sub scripts.
See :issue:`1589`.
* Update bundled libuv from 1.34.0 to 1.36.0. See
+ Bugfixes
* Use ares_getaddrinfo instead of a manual lookup.
* This requires c-ares 1.16.0.
* Note that this may change the results, in particular their
* As part of this, certain parts of the c-ares extension were
adapted to use modern Cython idioms.
* A few minor errors and discrepancies were fixed as well, such
as gethostbyaddr('localhost') working on Python 3 and failing
on Python 2. The DNSpython resolver now raises the expected
TypeError in more cases instead of an AttributeError. See
* The c-ares and DNSPython resolvers now raise exceptions much
more consistently with the standard resolver. Types and
errnos are substantially more likely to match what the
standard library produces.
* Depending on the system and configuration, results may not
match exactly, at least with DNSPython. There are still some
rare cases where the system resolver can raise herror but
DNSPython will raise gaierror or vice versa. There doesn't
seem to be a deterministic way to account for this. On PyPy,
getnameinfo can produce results when CPython raises
socket.error, and gevent's DNSPython resolver also raises
* In addition, several other small discrepancies were
addressed, including handling of localhost and broadcast host
* Note
* This has been tested on Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu), macOS, and
Windows. It hasn't been tested on other platforms, so results
are unknown for them. The c-ares support, in particular, is
using some additional socket functions and defines. Please
let the maintainers know if this introduces issues.
* See :issue:`1459`.
- Update to version 20.04.0 (2020-04-22)
+ Features
* Let CI (Travis and Appveyor) build and upload release wheels
for Windows, macOS and manylinux. As part of this, (a subset
of) gevent's tests can run if the standard library's
test.support module has been stripped. See :issue:`1555`.
* Update tested PyPy version from 7.2.0 on Windows to 7.3.1.
See :issue:`1569`.
+ Bugfixes
* Fix a spurious warning about watchers and resource leaks on
libuv on Windows. Reported by Stéphane Rainville. See
* Make monkey-patching properly remove select.epoll and
select.kqueue. Reported by Kirill Smelkov. See :issue:`1570`.
* Make it possible to monkey-patch :mod:`contextvars` before
Python 3.7 if a non-standard backport that uses the same name
as the standard library does is installed. Previously this
would raise an error. Reported by Simon Davy. See
* Fix destroying the libuv default loop and then using the
default loop again. See :issue:`1580`.
* libuv loops that have watched children can now exit.
Previously, the SIGCHLD watcher kept the loop alive even if
there were no longer any watched children. See :issue:`1581`.
+ Deprecations and Removals
* PyPy no longer uses the Python allocation functions for libuv
and libev allocations. See :issue:`1569`.
- Use the system libev by default
- Remove fix-tests.patch
- Remove use-libev-cffi.patch
- Greatly reduce the list of non functional tests
- Add fix-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch, applied for 15.1 and
below in order to not fail the build
- Add missing runtime dependencies:
python-zope.event and python-zope.interface

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

- Disable more tests failing for Python 3.6
- Don't bother with python2 tests
- Update to version 20.9.0 (2020-09-22)
+ Features
* The embedded libev is now asked to detect the availability of
clock_gettime and use the realtime and/or monotonic clocks,
if they are available.
* On Linux, this can reduce the number of system calls libev
makes. Originally provided by Josh Snyder. See
+ Bugfixes
* On CPython, depend on greenlet >= 0.4.17. This version is
binary incompatible with earlier releases on CPython 3.7 and
* On Python 3.7 and above, the module gevent.contextvars is no
longer monkey-patched into the standard library. contextvars
are now both greenlet and asyncio task local. See
:issue:`1656`. See :issue:`issue1674`.
* The DummyThread objects created automatically by certain
operations when the standard library threading module is
monkey-patched now match the naming convention the standard
library uses ("Dummy-12345"). Previously (since gevent 1.2a2)
they used "DummyThread-12345". See :issue:`1659`.
* Fix compatibility with dnspython 2.
* Caution!
* This currently means that it can be imported. But it cannot
yet be used. gevent has a pinned dependency on dnspython < 2
for now.
* See :issue:`1661`.
- Update to version 20.6.2 (2020-06-16)
+ Features
* It is now possible to build and use the embedded libuv on a
Cygwin platform.
* Note that Cygwin is not an officially supported platform of
upstream libuv and is not tested by gevent, so the actual
working status is unknown, and this may bitrot in future
* Thanks to berkakinci for the patch. See :issue:`issue1645`.
+ Bugfixes
* Relax the version constraint for psutil on PyPy.
* Previously it was pinned to 5.6.3 for PyPy2, except for on
Windows, where it was excluded. It is now treated the same as
CPython again. See :issue:`issue1643`.
- Update to version 20.6.1 (2020-06-10)
+ Features
* gevent's CI is now tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), an
upgrade from 16.04 (Xenial). See :issue:`1623`.
+ Bugfixes
* On Python 2, the dnspython resolver can be used without
having selectors2 installed. Previously, an ImportError would
be raised. See :issue:`issue1641`.
* Python 3 gevent.ssl.SSLSocket objects no longer attempt to
catch ConnectionResetError and treat it the same as an
SSLError with SSL_ERROR_EOF (typically by suppressing it).
* This was a difference from the way the standard library
behaved (which is to raise the exception). It was added to
gevent during early testing of OpenSSL 1.1 and TLS 1.3. See
- Update to version 20.6.0 (2020-06-06)
+ Features
* Add gevent.selectors containing GeventSelector. This selector
implementation uses gevent details to attempt to reduce
overhead when polling many file descriptors, only some of
which become ready at any given time.
* This is monkey-patched as selectors.DefaultSelector by
* This is available on Python 2 if the selectors2 backport is
installed. (This backport is installed automatically using
the recommended extra.) When monkey-patching, selectors is
made available as an alias to this module. See :issue:`1532`.
* Depend on greenlet >= 0.4.16. This is required for CPython
3.9 and 3.10a0. See :issue:`1627`.
* Add support for Python 3.9.
* No binary wheels are available yet, however. See
+ Bugfixes
* gevent.socket.create_connection and
gevent.socket.socket.connect no longer ignore IPv6 scope IDs.
* Any IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is no longer subject to an
extra call to getaddrinfo. Depending on the resolver in use,
this is likely to change the number and order of greenlet
switches. (On Windows, in particular test cases when there
are no other greenlets running, it has been observed to lead
to LoopExit in scenarios that didn't produce that before.)
See :issue:`1634`.
- Update to version 20.5.2 (2020-05-28)
+ Bugfixes
* Forking a process that had use the threadpool to run tasks
that created their own hub would fail to clean up the
threadpool by raising greenlet.error. See :issue:`1631`.
- Update to version 20.5.1 (2020-05-26)
+ Features
* Waiters on Event and Semaphore objects that call wait() or
acquire(), respectively, that find the Event already set, or
the Semaphore available, no longer "cut in line" and run
before any previously scheduled greenlets. They now run in
the order in which they arrived, just as waiters that had to
block in those methods do. See :issue:`1520`.
* Update tested PyPy version from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1 on Linux. See
* Make zope.interface, zope.event and (by extension) setuptools
required dependencies. The events install extra now does
nothing and will be removed in 2021. See :issue:`1619`.
* Update bundled libuv from 1.36.0 to 1.38.0. See
* Update bundled c-ares from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1.
* On macOS, stop trying to adjust c-ares headers to make them
universal. See :issue:`1624`.
+ Bugfixes
* Make gevent locks that are monkey-patched usually work across
native threads as well as across greenlets within a single
thread. Locks that are only used in a single thread do not
take a performance hit. While cross-thread locking is
relatively expensive, and not a recommended programming
pattern, it can happen unwittingly, for example when using
the threadpool and logging.
* Before, cross-thread lock uses might succeed, or, if the lock
was contended, raise greenlet.error. Now, in the contended
case, if the lock has been acquired by the main thread at
least once, it should correctly block in any thread,
cooperating with the event loop of both threads. In certain
(hopefully rare) cases, it might be possible for contended
case to raise LoopExit when previously it would have raised
greenlet.error; if these cases are a practical concern,
please open an issue.
* Also, the underlying Semaphore always behaves in an atomic
fashion (as if the GIL was not released) when PURE_PYTHON is
set. Previously, it only correctly did so on PyPy. See
* Rename gevent's C accelerator extension modules using a
prefix to avoid clashing with other C extensions. See
* Using gevent.wait on an Event more than once, when that Event
is already set, could previously raise an AssertionError.
* As part of this, exceptions raised in the main greenlet will
now include a more complete traceback from the failing
greenlet. See :issue:`1540`.
* Avoid closing the same Python libuv watcher IO object twice.
Under some circumstances (only seen on Windows), that could
lead to program crashes. See :issue:`1587`.
* gevent can now be built using Cython 3.0a5 and newer. The
PyPI distribution uses this version.
* The libev extension was incompatible with this. As part of
this, certain internal, undocumented names have been changed.
* (Technically, gevent can be built with Cython 3.0a2 and
above. However, up through 3.0a4 compiling with Cython 3
results in gevent's test for memory leaks failing. See this
Cython issue.) See :issue:`1599`.
* Destroying a hub after joining it didn't necessarily clean up
all resources associated with the hub, especially if the hub
had been created in a secondary thread that was exiting. The
hub and its parent greenlet could be kept alive.
* Now, destroying a hub drops the reference to the hub and
ensures it cannot be switched to again. (Though using a new
blocking API call may still create a new hub.)
* Joining a hub also cleans up some (small) memory resources
that might have stuck around for longer before as well. See
* Fix some potential crashes under libuv when using
gevent.signal_handler. The crashes were seen running the test
suite and were non-deterministic. See :issue:`1606`.
- Update to version 20.5.0 (2020-05-01)
+ Features
* Update bundled c-ares to version 1.16.0. Changes. See
* Update all the bundled config.guess and config.sub scripts.
See :issue:`1589`.
* Update bundled libuv from 1.34.0 to 1.36.0. See
+ Bugfixes
* Use ares_getaddrinfo instead of a manual lookup.
* This requires c-ares 1.16.0.
* Note that this may change the results, in particular their
* As part of this, certain parts of the c-ares extension were
adapted to use modern Cython idioms.
* A few minor errors and discrepancies were fixed as well, such
as gethostbyaddr('localhost') working on Python 3 and failing
on Python 2. The DNSpython resolver now raises the expected
TypeError in more cases instead of an AttributeError. See
* The c-ares and DNSPython resolvers now raise exceptions much
more consistently with the standard resolver. Types and
errnos are substantially more likely to match what the
standard library produces.
* Depending on the system and configuration, results may not
match exactly, at least with DNSPython. There are still some
rare cases where the system resolver can raise herror but
DNSPython will raise gaierror or vice versa. There doesn't
seem to be a deterministic way to account for this. On PyPy,
getnameinfo can produce results when CPython raises
socket.error, and gevent's DNSPython resolver also raises
* In addition, several other small discrepancies were
addressed, including handling of localhost and broadcast host
* Note
* This has been tested on Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu), macOS, and
Windows. It hasn't been tested on other platforms, so results
are unknown for them. The c-ares support, in particular, is
using some additional socket functions and defines. Please
let the maintainers know if this introduces issues.
* See :issue:`1459`.
- Update to version 20.04.0 (2020-04-22)
+ Features
* Let CI (Travis and Appveyor) build and upload release wheels
for Windows, macOS and manylinux. As part of this, (a subset
of) gevent's tests can run if the standard library's
test.support module has been stripped. See :issue:`1555`.
* Update tested PyPy version from 7.2.0 on Windows to 7.3.1.
See :issue:`1569`.
+ Bugfixes
* Fix a spurious warning about watchers and resource leaks on
libuv on Windows. Reported by Stéphane Rainville. See
* Make monkey-patching properly remove select.epoll and
select.kqueue. Reported by Kirill Smelkov. See :issue:`1570`.
* Make it possible to monkey-patch :mod:`contextvars` before
Python 3.7 if a non-standard backport that uses the same name
as the standard library does is installed. Previously this
would raise an error. Reported by Simon Davy. See
* Fix destroying the libuv default loop and then using the
default loop again. See :issue:`1580`.
* libuv loops that have watched children can now exit.
Previously, the SIGCHLD watcher kept the loop alive even if
there were no longer any watched children. See :issue:`1581`.
+ Deprecations and Removals
* PyPy no longer uses the Python allocation functions for libuv
and libev allocations. See :issue:`1569`.
- Use the system libev by default
- Remove fix-tests.patch
- Remove use-libev-cffi.patch
- Greatly reduce the list of non functional tests
- Add fix-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch, applied for 15.1 and
below in order to not fail the build
- Add missing runtime dependencies:
python-zope.event and python-zope.interface

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