
Request 961719 superseded

- Adapt build for Python 3.10 (required minimum version)
- Add optix includes that prepares the runtime OptiX renderer
Similar to other renderers, the OptiX renderer is generated on the
first use, given a proper local installation
- Drop outdated patch blender-293-openexr3.patch

- Update to 3.1.0
- drop patches included in update


Marcus Rueckert's avatar
reviewer target maintainer
  1. what is the license of the optix code? As I mentioned before you cant just randomly copy in that into the blender package https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OptiX

says proprietary software, Free for commercial use

  1. if we are even allowed to redistribute this probably has to come as a package via NON_Free

Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar
author reviewer source maintainer target maintainer

We're not distributing it, it merely enables runtime compilation of the OptiX renderer.

Stefan Brüns's avatar

You are redistributing the headers. The files all contain:

  • Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related
  • documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA Corporation is strictly
  • prohibited.

Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar
author reviewer source maintainer target maintainer

Anyway, I revived now: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/blender-2-8-cycles-optix-packaging/12533

Request History
Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar

frispete created request

- Adapt build for Python 3.10 (required minimum version)
- Add optix includes that prepares the runtime OptiX renderer
Similar to other renderers, the OptiX renderer is generated on the
first use, given a proper local installation
- Drop outdated patch blender-293-openexr3.patch

- Update to 3.1.0
- drop patches included in update

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens declined review

I really appreciate your work on blender, but as long as NVidia stays hostile to free software projects, I don't see any way of Optix coming to openSUSE.

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens declined request

I really appreciate your work on blender, but as long as NVidia stays hostile to free software projects, I don't see any way of Optix coming to openSUSE.

Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar

frispete superseded request

superseded by 961977

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