Greg Freemyer
Involved Projects and Packages
Prelude-LML is a log analyser that allows Prelude to collect and
analyze information from all kind of applications emitting logs or
syslog messages in order to detect suspicious activities and transform
them into Prelude-IDMEF alerts. Prelude-LML handles events generated
by a large set of applications
Rules for Prelude LML contributed by the community.
Prelude Manager is a high availability server that
accepts secured connections from distributed sensors
and saves received events to a media specified by the user
(database, log file, mail etc.). The server schedules and
establishes the priorities of treatment according to the
critical character and the source of the alerts.
Prewikka is the graphical front-end analysis console for the Prelude
Universal SIM. Prewikka provides alert aggregation and sensor and
hearbeat views, and has user management and configurable filters, as
well as access to external tools such as whois and traceroute.