Involved Projects and Packages
Tools for the project.
These are mainly the openSUSE Build Service Server and command line tools.
Project signing key update on 25th Sep 2018:
finger print: FCADAFC8 1273B9E7 F184F2B0 826659A9 013E5B65
keyid: 826659A9013E5B65
This package is based on the package 'inst-source-utils' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
Utilities supporting autoinstallation and creation of customized
installation and update sources.
Have a look at for a detailed
description of each script.
Various security tools that don't need their own subproject.
Please have a look at the Subprojects, listed at the 'Subprojects' tab for more tools.
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker (password security auditing tool). Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords, but a number of other hash types are supported as well.
sslh lets one accept both HTTPS and SSH connections on the same port. It makes it possible to connect to an SSH server on port 443 (e.g. from inside a corporate firewall) while still serving HTTPS on that port.
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user front-end. The core component is a server with a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect security problems in remote systems and applications.
OpenVAS products are Free Software under GNU GPL.
This is the scanner module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS).
Server Database software
Percona has a few shared package in a patched version, split them out into a space for their own
This project hosts the openSUSE packages of the PostgreSQL core distribution and related packages such as extensions or administration tools.
Webservers and tools around it
Servers and Clients for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC), a text-based chat system for instant messaging.
The Kolab Groupware Server is a secure, scalable and reliable groupware server. It is formed by a number of well-known and proven components and adds intelligent interaction between them.
This is an empty "parent" project. The sub projects in this project provide the Kolab Groupware Server packages.
see [1] for more info about Kolab on openSUSE and [2] for information about the OBS repositories as well as packaging and development.
Additional packages required by or supplementing Kolab 16.x
The Kolab Groupware Server is a secure, scalable and reliable groupware server. It is formed by a number of well-known and proven components and adds intelligent interaction between them.
This project provides packages that are needed for the Kolab Groupware Server.
The packages in this project are continuously build and changed, so the repository is bit unstable at times.
It is used mainly for packaging and testing.
Containing Kolab Unstable packages, that are intended for openSUSE:Factory inclusion.
postfix, exim and the rest that drives email on the net.
This packages allows you to use sqlite2 with python.
sqlite2 is a simple database engine.
System an network monitoring software.
Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data
from operating systems and network components. It
obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and
check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important
of which are:
* Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios
* host.
* Automatic inventory of items to be checked on
* hosts. is a Perl script that runs many different tests against one
or more Postgres databases. It uses the psql program to gather the information,
and outputs the results in one of three formats: Nagios, MRTG, or simple.
Icinga is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your
network. It has the ability to email or page you when a problem arises
and when a problem is resolved. Icinga is written in C and is
designed to run under Linux (and some other *NIX variants) as a
background process, intermittently running checks on various services
that you specify.
The actual service checks are performed by separate "plugin" programs
which return the status of the checks to Icinga. The plugins are
available at
This package provide core programs for icinga. The web interface,
documentation, and development files are built as separate packages