Revisions of froxlor

Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 127)
- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.32-rc2 (bnc#846355)
#1090: bind doesn't create entry for system setting "system_hostname"
#1342: add option to automatically run database-updates instead of dying with "version mismatch" in cronjob
#1389: fixed minor sql-query variable-issues
#1392: fixed setting default-theme if != Sparkle when adding new customers
#1377: fixed FS-quota on FreeBSD
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 126)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 125)
- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.32-rc1 (bnc#846355)
#69: calculate/show mail-traffic
#433: redirect to last URL after session-timeout
#1321: log faulty login-attempts
#1340: add 'description' to ftp-users
#1378: added database validation in the admin menu to check for its integrity
#858: runtime of cronjobs
- APS (complete)
- Autoresponder (complete)
- Backup (complete)
- upstream upgrade to version (bnc#846355)
- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.31 (bnc#846355)
- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.30 (bnc#846355)
- upstream upgrade to version 0.9.29 (bnc#846355)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 124)
- upstream upragde to version (bnc#846355)
 bugfix-release ( Due to a tiny bug in the installer, which did not add a new php-configuration correctly.
  #1331	High ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 718: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '2, 'Froxlor Vhost Config'
 bugfix release ( Due to wrong usage of a recently changed function which resulted in wrong default path-values in textfields. 
  #1329 Parse error bei aufruf Cronjob-Einstellungen
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 123)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.31 (bnc#846355)
Completely redesigned dashboard in Sparkle-theme
#432: added new template-variables for the 'customer welcome email' template: SERVER_HOSTNAME, SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT and DOMAINNAME
#722: added logical operators (<, > and =) which can be used when searching for numeric values, e.g. Webspace: ">100", "<2048" or "=1234"
#729: Usage of an activation code instead of password reset
#1051: Enable usage of php-slowlog for FPM users
#1287: Switch database implementation to PDO
#701: split tickets in pages on overview and correct sorting
#1295: make vhost-query of webserver-crons mariadb-compatible
#1314: when using DKIM and no MX server is given, also add a dkim-TXT entry for the 'mail' a-record
#1323: fix hardcoded sendmail_path config option in PHP-FPM pool config
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 122)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.30 (bnc#846355)
#365 SSL certificates should be settable per domain
#581 Allow multiple IPs (IPv4/IPv6) to be used on one domain
#1007 Userpanel: Show size of mail accounts
#1270 Show phpinfo() in the admin-panel
#201 fix SSL-redirect on non-standard SSL-ip/ports
#1147, #1194 Improve wildcard/www-alias domain-settings for admins and customers
#1271 remove build-in logrotate feature - provide logrotate-config-template instead
- fix wrong alias in default-froxlor-server.conf to froxlor
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 121)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.29 (bnc#846355)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 120)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.29 (bnc#837436)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 119)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 118)
- added configuration files openSUSE 12.x (at Server Configuration)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 117)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 116)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 115)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 114)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 113)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 112)
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 111)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.29
Bug #1139: Froxlor package for armhf doesn't show up in aptitude
Bug #1258: unable to register 'memcache' SSL session cache: Memcache support not enabled
Bug #1260: Cron Domain-SSL Zertifikat
Bug #1261: Fehler Apache mod_write
Feature #587: Provide php.ini Konfiguration for php-fpm
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 110)
- upstream upragde to version
Due to a syntax-error in the updater we had to re-release as version
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28
#536 Use complete domain name as default path for DocumentRoot
#1150 added possibility to add random prefixes to a customers database-name
#668 fixed FreeBSD 8.2: Bind 9 is missing from list of Daemons
#758 fixed bug in "Amount of APS installations" counter
#916 fixed webserver-specific default vHost settings don't work in ligHTTPd
#1023 fixed Redirect with SSL Enabled Domain
#1058 fixed bug in "Amount of autoresponders" counter
#1085 fixed incorrect configuration command for awstats under Gentoo
#1127 fixed falsely used e-mail sender name
#1134 updated default parameter list of sendmail-program in php.ini-template
#1136 fixed falsely added specialsettings to a ssl-redirect
#1160 fixed usage of empty value for CertificateChainFile (it's allowed)
#1172 cleaned up language files
#1173 fixed redirect to "ip:port"
#1180 fixed clean-up if fcgid/php-fpm configurations
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 109)
- upstream upragde to version
Due to a syntax-error in the updater we had to re-release as version
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28
#536 Use complete domain name as default path for DocumentRoot
#1150 added possibility to add random prefixes to a customers database-name
#668 fixed FreeBSD 8.2: Bind 9 is missing from list of Daemons
#758 fixed bug in "Amount of APS installations" counter
#916 fixed webserver-specific default vHost settings don't work in ligHTTPd
#1023 fixed Redirect with SSL Enabled Domain
#1058 fixed bug in "Amount of autoresponders" counter
#1085 fixed incorrect configuration command for awstats under Gentoo
#1127 fixed falsely used e-mail sender name
#1134 updated default parameter list of sendmail-program in php.ini-template
#1136 fixed falsely added specialsettings to a ssl-redirect
#1160 fixed usage of empty value for CertificateChainFile (it's allowed)
#1172 cleaned up language files
#1173 fixed redirect to "ip:port"
#1180 fixed clean-up if fcgid/php-fpm configurations
Andrej Semen's avatar Andrej Semen (asemen) committed (revision 108)
- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28-rc1
#1064 customers are now able to search their email-addresses in the overview (like domains, etc.)
#1103 new directory-structure for e-mail accounts.  New added accounts will be stored in a new maildir-structure (e.g.   
  An explanation why this makes sense can be found in the ticket-description. Note: no configuration changes are necessary 
  and existing accounts do not need to be updated, as the homedir/maildir is read from the database.
#1107 the default language for users without a language-setting is now determined via HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
#1138 added support for apache-2.4 (note: mod_log_sql is not compatible to apache-2.4)
#1153 path to nginx's fastcgi_params-file is now customizable (as other distributions/systems do not have it in /etc/nginx/)
#1067 fixed alias generation when the docroot of a (sub)domain was below the customerdocroot
#1068 Apply settings for all subdomains in now deactivateable (but will be checked when you re-open the domain-edit view, this is intended!)
#1075 the default php-cgi listener for nginx is now editable as intended 
#1079 php-fpm files are generated correctly - due to a double "cleaning" of the php-cgi-configdir, they were created and later removed in the cronjobs
#1089 + #1118 fixed php-fpm usage on apache-webserver
#1095 fixed incorrect display of used traffic in admin-overview
#1097 fixed falsey used private class property in database-class
#1104 fixed endless-loop in readdir() when bind is not installed but php-fpm is activated
#1108 fixed problems when disabling a customer / the customer removes one of his database with mysql version >4.1
#1117 froxlor is now completely using UTF-8 encoding.
#1119 The classic theme has been removed.  Maintaining two very different themes and the goal to gain usability and simplicity lead to that decision.
Important information: 
    support for mod_log_sql will drop in the final 0.9.28 release. If you still use it, please switch to webalizer or awstats
    support for dovecot-1 on Gentoo will be dropped in 0.9.29 as Gentoo's tree does not include it anymore.
    support for Debian Lenny has been removed as it is EOL since 6.2.2012.
    support for Ubuntu Hardy will be deprecated in 0.9.28 and removed in 0.9.29 as it will be unsupported in april 2013.
    php's safe_mode setting will be removed in the final 0.9.28 release as it is deprecated.
Displaying revisions 61 - 80 of 187
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