Trytond is the server of the OpenSource ERP system tryton

Edit Package trytond

Tryton is a three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine.

It is the core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security.

This package contains the server of the Tryton Project

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Update_changed_fields_6.0.diff 0000002094 2.04 KB
_service 0000000077 77 Bytes
openSUSE-trytond-setup 0000008127 7.94 KB
tryton-server.README.openSUSE 0000009418 9.2 KB
trytond-6.0.60.tar.gz 0000856138 836 KB
trytond.changes 0000021733 21.2 KB
trytond.conf 0000010750 10.5 KB
trytond.service 0000000470 470 Bytes
trytond.spec 0000005293 5.17 KB
trytond_log.conf 0000000585 585 Bytes
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