Tools for Native Language Support (NLS)

Edit Package gettext-runtime

This package contains the intl library as well as tools that ease the
creation and maintenance of message catalogs. It allows you to extract
strings from source code. The supplied Emacs mode (po-mode.el) helps
editing these catalogs (called PO files, for portable object) and
adding translations. A special compiler turns these PO files into
binary catalogs.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-msgcat-Add-feature-to-use-the-newest-po-file.patch 0000014065 13.7 KB
0002-msgcat-Merge-headers-when-use-first.patch 0000010700 10.4 KB
0003-Fix-malformed-header-processing.patch 0000002897 2.83 KB
_multibuild 0000000140 140 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000124 124 Bytes
boo941629-unnessary-rpath-on-standard-path.patch 0000000593 593 Bytes
gettext-0.12.1-gettextize.patch 0000000937 937 Bytes
gettext-0.12.1-sigfpe.patch 0000001539 1.5 KB
gettext-0.19.3-fix-bashisms.patch 0000001131 1.1 KB
gettext-0.22.5.tar.xz 0010270724 9.79 MB
gettext-0.22.5.tar.xz.sig 0000000833 833 Bytes
gettext-csharp.changes 0000028516 27.8 KB
gettext-csharp.spec 0000004912 4.8 KB
gettext-dont-test-gnulib.patch 0000001436 1.4 KB
gettext-initialize_vars.patch 0000000640 640 Bytes
gettext-java.changes 0000031065 30.3 KB
gettext-java.spec 0000005405 5.28 KB 0000005096 4.98 KB
gettext-po-mode.diff 0000000799 799 Bytes
gettext-rpmlintrc 0000000530 530 Bytes
gettext-runtime-mini.changes 0000066029 64.5 KB
gettext-runtime-mini.spec 0000013051 12.7 KB
gettext-runtime.changes 0000066029 64.5 KB
gettext-runtime.keyring 0000003917 3.83 KB
gettext-runtime.spec 0000013038 12.7 KB 0000000247 247 Bytes
reproducible-jar.patch 0000006784 6.63 KB
reproducible.patch 0000001713 1.67 KB
suse-start-po-mode.el 0000000985 985 Bytes
use-acinit-for-libtextstyle.patch 0000000680 680 Bytes
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