The successor of the Mozilla Application Suite

Edit Package seamonkey

Originally based on the Netscape Communicator source, the SeaMonkey
project grew to be the most advanced web browser currently available.
It supports new techniques like CSS2, MathML, SVG, XML, transparent
PNGs, and its look is fully theme-able.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed 0000002018 1.97 KB
README.installed-chrome 0000002604 2.54 KB
abuild.patch 0000010243 10 KB 0000001588 1.55 KB
addon-certs.txt 0000026909 26.3 KB
autoconf.dif 0000000646 646 Bytes
canvas-xlibs.patch 0000001046 1.02 KB
cjk-postscript-fonts.dif 0000001547 1.51 KB
cups-paper.patch 0000033803 33 KB
disable-gconf.patch 0000001166 1.14 KB
enigmail-0.95.7.tar.bz2 0000852073 832 KB
freetype.dif 0000000830 830 Bytes
gnome-vfs.patch 0000012006 11.7 KB
list-replyto-clobber.patch 0000005394 5.27 KB
mips.patch 0000000460 460 Bytes
misc.dif 0000000514 514 Bytes
mozex.jar 0000016868 16.5 KB
mozilla-bookmarks.diff 0000000542 542 Bytes
mozilla-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch 0000002325 2.27 KB
mozilla-gcc4.3-fixes.patch 0000003777 3.69 KB 0000005199 5.08 KB
mozilla-path_len.patch 0000006262 6.12 KB 0000008719 8.51 KB
nss-opt.patch 0000000867 867 Bytes
packages-unix.patch 0000002782 2.72 KB
postscript.patch 0000001380 1.35 KB
prdtoa.patch 0000000450 450 Bytes
prefs.patch 0000001165 1.14 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes 0000002682 2.62 KB
replytolist.patch 0000010223 9.98 KB
seamonkey-desktop.tar.bz2 0000022955 22.4 KB
seamonkey-source-1.1.13.tar.bz2 0038067668 36.3 MB
seamonkey.changes 0000060522 59.1 KB
seamonkey.spec 0000059993 58.6 KB
search-addons.tar.bz2 0000002354 2.3 KB
suse-default-prefs.js 0000000627 627 Bytes
unused-includes.patch 0000000228 228 Bytes
xremote.patch 0000019874 19.4 KB
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