
Edit Package wine

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Comments 8

Artivision Arti's avatar

Does wine:staging-nine have ESYNC? Can you please add?

Anonymous User's avatar

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Marcus Meissner's avatar

These guys should get their patches integrated to staging or regular wine :/ Please :/

Marcus Meissner's avatar

The ESYNC patches are now in Wine Staging (wine-staging package) with 4.7.

Artivision Arti's avatar

Hello again does this version have ESYNC? If not can you point me to some other repository, please?

Marcus Meissner's avatar

No, it currently does not at this time.

Marcus Meissner's avatar

The ESYNC patches are now in Wine Staging (wine-staging package) with 4.7.

llyyr's avatar

Could you include this commit as a patch to unbreak winewayland backend on 9.11?

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