a git repository viewer targeting gtk+/GNOME

Edit Package gitg

gitg targets cases where it is useful to provide a graphical representation of git data or actions. The history view is a good example where graphical representation helps to get an overview of the repository. gitg does not aim to be an advanced tool which allows access to every feature of git through a graphical interface, it will however try to incorporate common actions which might require multiple actions on the command line (like staging, unstaging, reverting and committing).

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000511 511 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000223 223 Bytes
gitg-3.16.1.tar.xz 0000426320 416 KB
gitg.changes 0000015025 14.7 KB
gitg.spec 0000007716 7.54 KB
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