Dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above

Edit Package google-guice

Guice alleviates the need for factories and the use of "new" in Java
code. Guice's @Inject is a different "new". Writing factories will
still be needed in some cases, but code will not directly depend on

Guice embraces Java's type safe nature, especially when it comes to
features introduced in Java 5 such as generics and annotations.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000493 493 Bytes
google-guice-6.0.0.tar.xz 0000456772 446 KB
google-guice-build.tar.xz 0000003812 3.72 KB
google-guice.changes 0000008537 8.34 KB
google-guice.spec 0000010619 10.4 KB
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