A collection of Swing components

Edit Package swingx

SwingX contains a collection of powerful, useful, and just plain fun Swing
components. Each of the Swing components have been extended, providing
data-aware functionality out of the box. New useful components have been
created like the JXDatePicker, JXTaskPane, and JXImagePanel.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
1.6.5-1.tar.gz 0016353538 15.6 MB
jdk17.patch 0000002722 2.66 KB
swingx-java7-swing-painter-compat.patch 0000000454 454 Bytes
swingx-java7-treepath-compat.patch 0000001407 1.37 KB
swingx-java8-compat.patch 0000001238 1.21 KB
swingx-remove-jhlabs-filters.patch 0000000954 954 Bytes
swingx-uititlelabel-test-failure.patch 0000000898 898 Bytes
swingx.changes 0000003026 2.96 KB
swingx.spec 0000003098 3.03 KB
Revision 31 (latest revision is 32)
Gus Kenion's avatar Gus Kenion (gkenion) committed (revision 31)
rpm 4.20 compat
Comments 0
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