Apache UIMA Parent POM

Edit Package uima-parent-pom

UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture).
UIMA promotes community development and reuse of annotators
that extract meta-data from unstructured information (text,
audio, video, etc.); it provides for externalized declaration of
type systems, component configuration, aggregation, and more,
supports scalablity, and provides tooling.

This package provides Parent for Apache UIMA Projects.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
LICENSE-2.0.txt 0000011358 11.1 KB
_service 0000000773 773 Bytes
uima-parent-pom-13.tar.xz 0000020740 20.3 KB
uima-parent-pom.changes 0000001282 1.25 KB
uima-parent-pom.spec 0000003031 2.96 KB
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