Formatter for Printing XSLT Processed XML Files

Edit Package xmlgraphics-fop

FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is driven by XSL formatting objects
(XSL-FO). It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO)
tree and renders the resulting pages to one of the following output
formats: PDF (primary output target), PCL, PS, SVG, XML (area tree
representation), Print, AWT, MIF, and TXT.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
encoding.patch 0000000478 478 Bytes
fix-javadoc-java8.patch 0000000475 475 Bytes
fop-2.10-QDox-2.0.patch 0000006431 6.28 KB
fop-2.10-src.tar.gz 0020903590 19.9 MB
hyphenation-more-stack.patch 0000000668 668 Bytes
java8-compatibility.patch 0000001090 1.06 KB 0000883080 862 KB
reproducible-build-manifest.patch 0000002759 2.69 KB
reproducible.patch 0000001424 1.39 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-cli.patch 0000000622 622 Bytes
xmlgraphics-fop-fontlist.script 0000000972 972 Bytes
xmlgraphics-fop-fontlist.xml 0000003663 3.58 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-fontmetrics.script 0000001188 1.16 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-fontmetrics.xml 0000003797 3.71 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.changes 0000026159 25.5 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.script 0000001054 1.03 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.spec 0000006879 6.72 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.xml 0000023668 23.1 KB
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