Qt 5 QtTools Module

Edit Package libqt5-qttools

The QtTools modules contains some tools mostly useful for application development.

Included are QtAssistant (help browser), QtDesigner (GUI design), QDbusViewer
and several more.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000110 110 Bytes
_service 0000000720 720 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000238 238 Bytes
assistant5.desktop 0000000258 258 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000307 307 Bytes
designer5.desktop 0000000254 254 Bytes
libqt5-qttools-rpmlintrc 0000000038 38 Bytes
libqt5-qttools.changes 0000036168 35.3 KB
libqt5-qttools.spec 0000014426 14.1 KB
linguist5.desktop 0000000250 250 Bytes
qdbusviewer5.desktop 0000000270 270 Bytes
qttools-everywhere-src-5.15.16+kde3.obscpio 0051945998 49.5 MB
qttools-everywhere-src.obsinfo 0000000118 118 Bytes
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