A security tool that provides authentication for applications

Edit Package pam

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is a system security tool that
allows system administrators to set authentication policies without
having to recompile programs that do authentication.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Linux-PAM-1.7.0.tar.xz 0000507824 496 KB
Linux-PAM-1.7.0.tar.xz.asc 0000000801 801 Bytes
_multibuild 0000000051 51 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000155 155 Bytes
common-account.pamd 0000000380 380 Bytes
common-auth.pamd 0000000462 462 Bytes
common-password.pamd 0000000435 435 Bytes
common-session-nonlogin.pamd 0000000534 534 Bytes
common-session.pamd 0000000451 451 Bytes
macros.pam 0000000311 311 Bytes
other.pamd 0000000251 251 Bytes
pam-limit-nproc.patch 0000000412 412 Bytes
pam-login_defs-check.sh 0000001441 1.41 KB
pam.changes 0000088874 86.8 KB
pam.spec 0000017630 17.2 KB
pam.tmpfiles 0000000195 195 Bytes
pam_access-rework-resolving-of-tokens-as-hostname.patch 0000007085 6.92 KB
postlogin-account.pamd 0000000379 379 Bytes
postlogin-auth.pamd 0000000380 380 Bytes
postlogin-password.pamd 0000000382 382 Bytes
postlogin-session.pamd 0000000379 379 Bytes
unix2_chkpwd.8 0000001739 1.7 KB
unix2_chkpwd.c 0000006885 6.72 KB
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