
Edit Package kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal

### NOTE(s):

* 15.5 won't build because of a missing >= go1.21, probably because X11:terminals uses `openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard` vs. `openSUSE:Leap:15.5:Update/standard` ... smb, 20240119
- Now this applies to 15.6 ... smb, 20250116
* 15.6 wasn't an available option from X11:terminals, but I can get it to build when simde is available - which isn't the case in 15.6 proper, it needs added ... smb, 20240622
* 15.6 fails to build and seems to need a version of freetype2-devel > v2.10.4 (TW is using 2.13.3) ... smb, 20250309
* openSUSE_Factory/i586 isn't going to build (anymore?), should use openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 but I can't adjust those settings in X11:terminals ... smb, 20240321

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000117 117 Bytes
buildmode-and-skip_docs.diff 0000001205 1.18 KB
kitty-0.40.0.tar.gz 0008646869 8.25 MB
kitty-rpmlintrc 0000000261 261 Bytes
kitty.changes 0000159420 156 KB
kitty.spec 0000006291 6.14 KB
vendor.tar.gz 0002844694 2.71 MB
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