A Lua port of the Perl Test::More unit testing framework

Edit Package lua-testmore

lua-TestMore is a port of the Perl5 module Test::More. It uses the
Test Anything Protocol as output, that allows a compatibility with
the Perl QA ecosystem. It's an extensible framework.
See lua-TestAssertion an extension which provides many Lua friendly
assertions. It allows a simple and efficient way to write tests
(without OO style). Some tests could be marked as TODO or skipped.
Errors could be fully checked with error_like().

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000102 102 Bytes
_service 0000000656 656 Bytes
lua-TestMore-0.3.7.tar.zst 0000019973 19.5 KB
lua-testmore.changes 0000000567 567 Bytes
lua-testmore.spec 0000001975 1.93 KB
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