Moose minus the antlers

Edit Package perl-Mouse

Moose is wonderful. Use Moose instead of Mouse.

Unfortunately, Moose has a compile-time penalty. Though significant progress
has been made over the years, the compile time penalty is a non-starter for
some very specific applications. If you are writing a command-line application
or CGI script where startup time is essential, you may not be able to use
Moose. We recommend that you instead use HTTP::Engine and FastCGI for the
latter, if possible.

Mouse aims to alleviate this by providing a subset of Moose's functionality,

We're also going as light on dependencies as possible. Mouse currently has no
dependencies except for testing modules.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Mouse-v2.5.11.tar.gz 0000220539 215 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000469 469 Bytes
perl-Mouse.changes 0000017805 17.4 KB
perl-Mouse.spec 0000002883 2.82 KB
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