
Edit Package perl-PadWalker

PadWalker is a module which allows you to inspect (and even change!) lexical variables in any subroutine which called you. It will only show those variables which are in scope at the point of the call.

PadWalker is particularly useful for debugging. It's even used by Perl's built-in debugger. (It can also be used for evil, of course.)

I wouldn't recommend using PadWalker directly in production code, but it's your call. Some of the modules that use PadWalker internally are certainly safe for and useful in production.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PadWalker-2.5.tar.gz 0000016342 16 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000348 348 Bytes
perl-PadWalker.changes 0000003881 3.79 KB
perl-PadWalker.spec 0000002092 2.04 KB
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