Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage

Edit Package perl-Test-Strict

The most basic test one can write is "does it compile ?". This module tests if the code compiles and play nice with 'Test::Simple' modules.

Another good practice this module can test is to "use strict;" in all perl files.

By setting a minimum test coverage through 'all_cover_ok()', a code author can ensure his code is tested above a preset level of *kwality* throughout the development cycle.

Along with the Test::Pod, this module can provide the first tests to setup for a module author.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Test-Strict-0.54.tar.gz 0000020923 20.4 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000610 610 Bytes
perl-Test-Strict.changes 0000008046 7.86 KB
perl-Test-Strict.spec 0000002593 2.53 KB
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