Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible

Edit Package perl-YAML-Tiny

YAML::Tiny is a perl class for reading and writing YAML-style files, written
with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead.

Most of the time it is accepted that Perl applications use a lot of memory and
modules. The ::Tiny family of modules is specifically intended to provide an
ultralight and zero-dependency alternative to many more-thorough standard

This module is primarily for reading human-written files (like simple config
files) and generating very simple human-readable files. Note that I said
human-readable and not geek-readable. The sort of files that your average
manager or secretary should be able to look at and make sense of.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
YAML-Tiny-1.76.tar.gz 0000075559 73.8 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000547 547 Bytes
perl-YAML-Tiny.changes 0000008631 8.43 KB
perl-YAML-Tiny.spec 0000003499 3.42 KB
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