
Edit Package python-PyMySQL
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Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PyMySQL-1.1.1.tar.gz 0000089986 87.9 KB
python-PyMySQL.changes 0000014538 14.2 KB
python-PyMySQL.spec 0000003512 3.43 KB
Comments 1

Christian Wittmer's avatar

Why is only the python2-PyMySQL package also providing python-PyMySQL and the python3-PyMySQL not ? [ 50s] Provides: python-PyMySQL = 0.9.3-lp151.23.1 python2-PyMySQL = 0.9.3-lp151.23.1 [ 51s] Provides: python3-PyMySQL = 0.9.3-lp151.23.1

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