A Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust

Edit Package python-uv

uv is a Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust. Designed as a
drop-in replacement for common pip and pip-tools workflows.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000495 495 Bytes
_service 0000000285 285 Bytes
python-uv-0.5.10.tar.gz 0003139617 2.99 MB
python-uv.changes 0000082029 80.1 KB
python-uv.spec 0000006641 6.49 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0055893577 53.3 MB
Comments 1

Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

still figuring out about this llvm error

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