A Scalable, Open Extension to CGI

Edit Package FastCGI

FastCGI is a language-independent, scalable, open extension to CGI that
provides high performance without the limitations of server-specific

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
2.4.0.tar.gz 0000328269 321 KB
FastCGI-clientdata_pointer.patch 0000002388 2.33 KB
FastCGI-fix_deprecated_api.patch 0000001961 1.92 KB
FastCGI-gcc44.patch 0000000158 158 Bytes
FastCGI-makefile.am_cppflags.patch 0000000987 987 Bytes
FastCGI-perl514.patch 0000000736 736 Bytes
FastCGI-perl526.patch 0000000293 293 Bytes
FastCGI-supervise_cgi-fcgi.patch 0000003605 3.52 KB
FastCGI.changes 0000005595 5.46 KB
FastCGI.spec 0000005102 4.98 KB
README.supervise 0000001706 1.67 KB
fastcgi-2.4.0_missing_call_to_fclose.patch 0000000484 484 Bytes
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