Optical Character Recognition Program

Edit Package ocrad

GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program based on a feature extraction method. It reads images in pbm (bitmap), pgm (greyscale) or ppm (color) formats and produces text in byte (8-bit) or UTF-8 formats.

Also includes a layout analyser able to separate the columns or blocks of text normally found on printed pages.

Ocrad can be used as a stand-alone console application, or as a backend to other programs.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
ocrad-0.29.tar.lz 0000096519 94.3 KB
ocrad-0.29.tar.lz.sig 0000000072 72 Bytes
ocrad.changes 0000011399 11.1 KB
ocrad.keyring 0000002538 2.48 KB
ocrad.spec 0000002356 2.3 KB
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