
Edit Package discord

Discord is an all-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free (beer), secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
This is a modified version of Discord to remove the patent encumbered ffmpeg and swap with electron's pre-built non-patent ffmpeg lib.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PERMISSION 0000004545 4.44 KB
com.discordapp.Discord.appdata.xml 0000006292 6.14 KB
discord-0.0.26.tar.gz 0093012747 88.7 MB
discord-symbolic.svg 0000001196 1.17 KB
discord.changes 0000009013 8.8 KB
discord.spec 0000004519 4.41 KB
ffmpeg-v22.3.2-linux-x64.zip 0003810347 3.63 MB
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