A Tool for Working with Many Patches

Edit Package quilt-ks

Quilt allows you to easily manage large numbers of patches by keeping
track of the changes each patch makes. Patches can be applied,
un-applied, refreshed, and more.

Quilt originally was based on Andrew Morton's patch scripts found at

Andreas Gruenbacher

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-patchfns-Extend-format-of-series-file.patch 0000002768 2.7 KB
0002-Change-where-new-patches-are-inserted-in-series.patch 0000002875 2.81 KB
0003-quilt-switch-series-file-for-series.conf.patch 0000001371 1.34 KB
0004-push-Do-not-remove-refresh-flag.patch 0000001747 1.71 KB
0005-push-Make-files-w-after-being-touched-by-a-patch.patch 0000001309 1.28 KB
expand.diff 0000008468 8.27 KB
quilt-0.66.tar.bz2 0000359074 351 KB
quilt-support-vimdiff.patch 0000001445 1.41 KB
quilt.changes 0000058626 57.3 KB
quilt.spec 0000004497 4.39 KB
suse-start-quilt-mode.el 0000000216 216 Bytes
suse-workaround-pseudo-release.patch 0000000933 933 Bytes
test-faildiff-workaround-order-bug.patch 0000000851 851 Bytes
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