
Edit Package steam

Steam is a software distribution service with an online store, automated installation, automatic updates, achievements, SteamCloud synchronized savegame and screenshot functionality, and many social features.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
gpu-offload.patch 0000000468 468 Bytes
steam-path-fix.patch 0000000295 295 Bytes
steam-streaming.xml 0000000631 631 Bytes
steam.changes 0000024897 24.3 KB
steam.spec 0000005440 5.31 KB
steam_1.0.0.79.tar.gz 0003970983 3.79 MB
Comments 1

Rose Black's avatar

Steam is truly a great platform, not only providing a rich game library Death By AI but also bringing outstanding convenience with automatic installation, update, cloud saving, and achievement system features, creating a seamless gaming experience and a strong connected community.

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