The waydroid package

Edit Package waydroid

Waydroid uses Linux namespaces to run a full Android system in a container
and provide Android applications on any GNU/Linux-based platform.
The Android system inside the container has direct access to needed hardware
through LXC and the binder interface.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed 0000000033 33 Bytes
_service 0000000523 523 Bytes
dev-binderfs.mount 0000000097 97 Bytes
mount-secontext.patch 0000000483 483 Bytes
setup-firewalld.patch 0000000565 565 Bytes
sources 0000000162 162 Bytes
waydroid.changes 0000000162 162 Bytes
waydroid.conf 0000000192 192 Bytes
waydroid.fc 0000000520 520 Bytes
waydroid.rpmlintrc 0000000217 217 Bytes
waydroid.spec 0000007984 7.8 KB
waydroid.te 0000005633 5.5 KB
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