
Edit Package Trezarcoin

Trezarcoin wallet
Wallet for the cryptocoin trezarcoin.
Provides a gui interface and a daemon to run in background.

Trezarcoin (TZC) is a decentralised open source digital currency

* advanced hybrid proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS)
* 400 million coins to be produced
* block hashing is BLAKE2s
* PoW hashing is NeoScrypt
* PoS hashing is SHA-256d
* 1 minute combined block target (1.5 minutes for PoW, 3 minutes for PoS)
* retargets every block using Orbitcoin Super Shield (OSS)
* time warp and instamining protection
* advanced checkpointing against 51% attacks
* transaction messaging supported
* PoW and PoS blocks carry the same fixed reward of 100 TZC
* 6 confirmations for regular transactions
* 200 confirmations for minted coins
* very low transaction fees (most transactions are free)
* no destruction of transaction fees (all collected by a block finder)
* the default P2P port is 17298, RPC port is 17299
* I2P/Tor ready

Donations to package maintainer:TjucUb28xdbHVxQvyrdviQpRdByzNoMhms

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000822 822 Bytes
debian.changelog 0000000171 171 Bytes
debian.compat 0000000002 2 Bytes
debian.control 0000001347 1.32 KB
debian.install 0000000044 44 Bytes
debian.rules 0000003991 3.9 KB
trezarcoin.desktop 0000000182 182 Bytes
trezarcoin.dsc 0000000565 565 Bytes
trezarcoin.spec 0000005469 5.34 KB
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