C++ Program Library, Core Components

Edit Package libqt4

Qt is a set of libraries for developing applications.

This package contains base tools, like string, xml, and network

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Fix-exclusion-of-anonymous-ciphers.patch 0000001535 1.5 KB
0001-Redo-the-Q_FOREACH-loop-control-without-GCC-statemen.patch 0000003173 3.1 KB
0180-window-role.diff 0000003463 3.38 KB
0188-fix-moc-parser-same-name-header.diff 0000001632 1.59 KB
0191-listview-alternate-row-colors.diff 0000001024 1 KB
0195-compositing-properties.diff 0000002495 2.44 KB
0225-invalidate-tabbar-geometry-on-refresh.patch 0000001430 1.4 KB
CVE-2018-15518.patch 0000000985 985 Bytes
CVE-2018-19869.patch 0000001028 1 KB
CVE-2018-19873.patch 0000001029 1 KB
CVE-2020-17507.patch 0000000612 612 Bytes
QSystemTrayicon.diff 0000050985 49.8 KB
_constraints 0000000148 148 Bytes
assistant.png 0000002353 2.3 KB
assistant4.desktop 0000000217 217 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000800 800 Bytes
build-qvfb-tool.diff 0000000423 423 Bytes
designer.png 0000000324 324 Bytes
designer4.desktop 0000000248 248 Bytes
disable-im-for-password.diff 0000000526 526 Bytes
disable-rc4-ciphers-bnc865241.diff 0000001687 1.65 KB
fix-build-icu59.patch 0000001117 1.09 KB
fix-gcc6-detection.diff 0000000261 261 Bytes
fix-medium-font.diff 0000004743 4.63 KB
fix-moc-from-choking-on-boost-headers.patch 0000000574 574 Bytes
fix-moc-parsing-with-glibc-2.25.patch 0000002213 2.16 KB
fix_assistant_segfault_QTBUG-25324.patch 0000000660 660 Bytes
fix_qrasterpixmapdata_bnc847880.diff 0000000708 708 Bytes
glib-honor-ExcludeSocketNotifiers-flag.diff 0000002726 2.66 KB
handle-tga-files-properly.diff 0000001838 1.79 KB
hppa_ldcw_fix.diff 0000000756 756 Bytes
hppa_unaligned_access_fix_458133.diff 0000000827 827 Bytes
kde4_qt_plugin_path.patch 0000000850 850 Bytes
l-qclipboard_delay.patch 0000000418 418 Bytes
libqt4-devel-doc.changes 0000090711 88.6 KB
libqt4-devel-doc.spec 0000014534 14.2 KB
libqt4-libtool-nodate.diff 0000000593 593 Bytes
libqt4-sql-plugins.changes 0000090550 88.4 KB
libqt4-sql-plugins.spec 0000012751 12.5 KB
libqt4-toplevel-asm.patch 0000005249 5.13 KB
libqt4.changes 0000091483 89.3 KB
libqt4.spec 0000028800 28.1 KB
linguist.png 0000001936 1.89 KB
linguist4.desktop 0000000244 244 Bytes
macros.qt4 0000000957 957 Bytes
no-moc-date.diff 0000000951 951 Bytes
no-ssl3.patch 0000003049 2.98 KB
plastik-default.diff 0000002724 2.66 KB
ppc64le.diff 0000000488 488 Bytes
qatomic-generic.patch 0000001072 1.05 KB
qdbusconnection-no-warning-output.patch 0000000765 765 Bytes
qfatal-noreturn.diff 0000000455 455 Bytes
qlocale_icu-no-warning-output.patch 0000002187 2.14 KB
qt-debug-timer.diff 0000001452 1.42 KB
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7-openssl.patch 0000004809 4.7 KB
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7.tar.gz 0241075567 230 MB
qt-never-strip.diff 0000000927 927 Bytes
qt4-fake-bold.patch 0000008512 8.31 KB
qt4-fix-s390x-build.diff 0000001966 1.92 KB
qt4-openssl-1.1.0pre-3.patch 0000010816 10.6 KB
qt4config.desktop 0000000168 168 Bytes
qt_lt.ts 0000211204 206 KB
qtcore-4.8.5-qeventdispatcher-recursive.patch 0000004017 3.92 KB
rcc-stable-dirlisting.diff 0000003062 2.99 KB
use-cups-default-print-settings-bnc552218.diff 0000002881 2.81 KB
use-freetype-default.diff 0000000395 395 Bytes
webkit-ia64_s390x.patch 0000001466 1.43 KB
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