Text::Scan - Fast search for very large numbers of keys in a body of text

Edit Package perl-Text-Scan

This module provides facilities for fast searching on strings with very many search keys. The basic object behaves somewhat like a perl hash, except that you can retrieve based on a superstring of any keys stored. Simply scan a string as shown above and you will get back a perl hash (or list) of all keys found in the string (along with associated values and/or positions). All keys present in the text are returned.

This module is an implementation of the Aho/Corasick Pattern Matching algorithm.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Text-Scan-0.31.diff 0000000329 329 Bytes
Text-Scan-0.31.tar.gz 0000079621 77.8 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000930 930 Bytes
perl-Text-Scan.changes 0000000641 641 Bytes
perl-Text-Scan.spec 0000002068 2.02 KB
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