Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management

Edit Package slurm

SLURM is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for Linux clusters
containing up to 65,536 nodes. Components include machine status, partition management, job management, scheduling and accounting modules.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Fix-test7.2-to-find-libpmix-under-lib64-as-well.patch 0000000948 948 Bytes 0000004747 4.64 KB
Remove-rpath-from-build.patch 0000002912 2.84 KB
_service 0000000133 133 Bytes
pam_slurm-Initialize-arrays-and-pass-sizes.patch 0000002847 2.78 KB
slurm-24.11.0.tar.bz2 0007254375 6.92 MB
slurm-rpmlintrc 0000002979 2.91 KB
slurm.changes 0000283335 277 KB
slurm.spec 0000044255 43.2 KB
slurmctld.xml 0000000256 256 Bytes
slurmd.xml 0000000262 262 Bytes
slurmdbd.xml 0000000255 255 Bytes
test_setup.tar.gz 0000003165 3.09 KB
upgrades 0000000106 106 Bytes
Comments 1

Hans-Nikolai Viessmann's avatar

Hi, would it be possible to have packages for 23_02 slurm release in the SLE 15.5 repo? Thanks!

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