Random Saying

Edit Package fortune

Fortune displays a random text string from a set of files in a certain

This occurs each time you start a login shell. To get this feature just
uncomment the respective lines in the user's .profile.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
fortune-1.0-filepermissions.patch 0000000290 290 Bytes
fortune-decl.patch 0000002528 2.47 KB
fortune-fix-missing-closedir.patch 0000000515 515 Bytes
fortune-fixfree.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
fortune-ia64.patch 0000000819 819 Bytes
fortune.changes 0000003407 3.33 KB
fortune.dif 0000031723 31 KB
fortune.spec 0000002130 2.08 KB
fortune.tar.bz2 0001195869 1.14 MB
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