Relax and Recover (ReaR) is a Linux Disaster Recovery framework

Edit Package rear

Relax and Recover (abbreviated rear) is a highly modular disaster recovery
framework for GNU/Linux based systems, but can be easily extended to other
UNIX alike systems. The disaster recovery information (and maybe the backups)
can be stored via the network, local on hard disks or USB devices, DVD/CD-R,
tape, etc. The result is also a bootable image that is capable of booting via
PXE, DVD/CD and USB media.

Relax and Recover integrates with other backup software and provides integrated
bare metal disaster recovery abilities to the compatible backup software.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
debian.changelog 0000000746 746 Bytes
rear-1.10.0.tar.gz 0000197926 193 KB
rear.changes 0000006477 6.33 KB
rear.dsc 0000000320 320 Bytes
rear.spec 0000004876 4.76 KB
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