The successor of the Mozilla Application Suite

Edit Package seamonkey

Originally based on the Netscape Communicator source, the SeaMonkey
project grew to be the most advanced web browser currently available.
It supports new techniques like CSS2, MathML, SVG, XML, transparent
PNGs, and its look is fully theme-able.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed 0000001450 1.42 KB
compare-locales.tar.bz2 0000025674 25.1 KB 0000001473 1.44 KB 0000000275 275 Bytes
l10n-2.4.1.tar.bz2 0017350862 16.5 MB
mozilla-cairo-return.patch 0000000761 761 Bytes
mozilla-language.patch 0000001741 1.7 KB
mozilla-nongnome-proxies.patch 0000001266 1.24 KB
mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch 0000000879 879 Bytes
mozilla-prefer_plugin_pref.patch 0000001810 1.77 KB
mozilla-shared-nss-db.patch 0000005950 5.81 KB
mozilla-ua-locale.patch 0000001141 1.11 KB 0000003885 3.79 KB
seamonkey-2.4.1-source.tar.bz2 0087914654 83.8 MB
seamonkey-desktop.tar.bz2 0000022975 22.4 KB
seamonkey-rpmlintrc 0000000029 29 Bytes
seamonkey-shared-nss-db.patch 0000002391 2.33 KB
seamonkey-ua-locale.patch 0000000625 625 Bytes
seamonkey.changes 0000079996 78.1 KB
seamonkey.spec 0000012582 12.3 KB
search-addons.tar.bz2 0000002354 2.3 KB
suse-default-prefs.js 0000000539 539 Bytes
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