Games for GNOME

Edit Package gnome-games

GNOME games is a collection of simple, but addictive, games from the
GNOME desktop project. They represent many of the popular games and
include card games, puzzle games and arcade games. They are meant to
be the sort of game that can be played in five minutes or so. They are
also meant to be fun enough that you will play them again and
again. Of course we can't be held responsible for the time and
productivity lost while playing them.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.openSUSE 0000000077 77 Bytes
glchess-engines.patch 0000001819 1.78 KB
gnome-games-3.4.2.tar.xz 0018578676 17.7 MB
gnome-games-create-post 0000000432 432 Bytes
gnome-games.changes 0000071749 70.1 KB
gnome-games.spec 0000034462 33.7 KB
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