Toolchain for Stitching of Images and Creating Panoramas

Edit Package hugin

Hugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting
image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very
high resolution pictures by combining multiple images.

Other tools in this package can correct lens distortion, vignetting and
chromatic abberation, create HDR images, provide automatic feature
detection and extraction of key points.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000166 166 Bytes
hugin-2022.0.0.tar.bz2 0010374360 9.89 MB
hugin.appdata.patch 0000001616 1.58 KB
hugin.changes 0000033316 32.5 KB
hugin.spec 0000004282 4.18 KB
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