Statistics Collection Daemon for filling RRD Files

Edit Package collectd

collectd is a small daemon written in C for performance. It reads various
system statistics and updates RRD files, creating them if necessary.
Since the daemon doesn't need to startup every time it wants to update the
files it's very fast and easy on the system. Also, the statistics are very
fine grained since the files are updated every 10 seconds.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
9e36cd85a2bb_sigrok_Update_to_support_libsigrok_0_4.patch 0000006088 5.95 KB
collectd-5.7.2.tar.bz2 0001798777 1.72 MB
collectd-fix-config.patch 0000000514 514 Bytes
collectd-fix_broken_perl-5.10.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
collectd-fix_collectd_config_path_in_snmp_probe.patch 0000000312 312 Bytes
collectd-fix_collection_cgi.patch 0000000636 636 Bytes
collectd-fix_spamassassin_doc.patch 0000000671 671 Bytes
collectd-javac_target.patch 0000001455 1.42 KB
collectd-js.apache2.conf 0000000807 807 Bytes
collectd-perl-vendor.patch 0000000402 402 Bytes
collectd-rpmlintrc 0000000377 377 Bytes
collectd-split_README.patch 0000002131 2.08 KB
collectd-version.patch 0000000334 334 Bytes
collectd.apache2.conf 0000000431 431 Bytes
collectd.changes 0000089007 86.9 KB
collectd.spec 0000023147 22.6 KB
collectd.suse.init 0000002416 2.36 KB
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