SNMP Daemon

Edit Package net-snmp

This package was originally based on the CMU snmp code. It has
been greatly modified, restructured, enhanced, and fixed. It hardly
looks the same as anything that CMU has ever released. It was renamed
from cmu-snmp to ucd-snmp in 1995 and later renamed from ucd-snmp to
net-snmp in November 2000.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Add-Default-Router-Table-support.patch 0000119563 117 KB
Add-ICMP-Statistics-Tables-support.patch 0000053132 51.9 KB
Add-IPv6-Scope-Zone-Index.patch 0000118433 116 KB
Add-IPv6-support-on-Internet-Address-Translation-Tab.patch 0000011088 10.8 KB
Fix-for-IPv6-Interface-Table.patch 0000002536 2.48 KB
Fix-for-Internet-Address-Prefix-Table.patch 0000034201 33.4 KB
Fix-for-Internet-Address-Table.patch 0000015363 15 KB
Fix-for-tcpConnnectionTable-tcpListenerTable-udpEn.patch 0000015248 14.9 KB
Improve-IP-Statistics-tables.patch 0000280349 274 KB
README.SuSE 0000002397 2.34 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000127 127 Bytes
net-snmp-5.1.1-pie.patch 0000001435 1.4 KB
net-snmp-5.2.1-socket_path.diff 0000000411 411 Bytes
net-snmp- 0000007615 7.44 KB
net-snmp- 0000171432 167 KB
net-snmp- 0000253616 248 KB
net-snmp- 0000000301 301 Bytes
net-snmp- 0003734297 3.56 MB
net-snmp-5.4.2_audit.patch 0000008748 8.54 KB
net-snmp-5.4.2_autoconf.patch 0000001396 1.36 KB
net-snmp-5.4.2_net-snmp-config_headercheck.patch 0000002496 2.44 KB
net-snmp-5.4.2_overflow.patch 0000000901 901 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.2_perl_tk_warning.patch 0000000503 503 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.2_snmpconf-selinux.patch 0000000365 365 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.2_testing.empty_arptable.patch 0000002654 2.59 KB
net-snmp-5.4.2_velocity-mib.patch 0000106051 104 KB
net-snmp-5.4.2_vendorperl.patch 0000000424 424 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.rc2-versinfo.diff 0000000620 620 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.x_counter-wrap-crash.patch 0000001271 1.24 KB
net-snmp-5.4.x_embedded_perl_error_message.patch 0000000458 458 Bytes
net-snmp-5.4.x_empty-process-status-file.patch 0000001034 1.01 KB
net-snmp-5.4.x_host_information_disclosure.patch 0000001038 1.01 KB
net-snmp-5.4.x_snmptrapd-hostname.patch 0000009723 9.5 KB
net-snmp-5.6.1-fix-array-index-error.patch 0000001310 1.28 KB
net-snmp-rpmlintrc 0000000147 147 Bytes
net-snmp.changes 0000023201 22.7 KB
net-snmp.logrotate 0000000339 339 Bytes
net-snmp.spec 0000013083 12.8 KB
net-snmp.sysconfig 0000001025 1 KB 0000005396 5.27 KB
rc.snmptrapd 0000003142 3.07 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
snmpd.conf 0000000811 811 Bytes
test_installed 0000000329 329 Bytes
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