Network UPS Tools Core (Unbreakable Power Supply Monitoring)

Edit Package nut

Core package of Network UPS Tools.

Network UPS Tools is a collection of programs which provide a common
interface for monitoring and administering UPS hardware.

Detailed information about supported hardware can be found in

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE 0000005138 5.02 KB
harden_nut-driver.service.patch 0000000832 832 Bytes
harden_nut-monitor.service.patch 0000000833 833 Bytes
harden_nut-server.service.patch 0000000888 888 Bytes
nut-2.8.2-repack.tar.gz 0005691243 5.43 MB
nut-doc-fixed-date.patch 0000001615 1.58 KB
nut-notifyflag.patch 0000000745 745 Bytes
nut-preconfig.patch 0000001987 1.94 KB
nut.changes 0000050460 49.3 KB
nut.keyring 0000010621 10.4 KB
nut.rpmlintrc 0000000352 352 Bytes
nut.spec 0000019459 19 KB
nut.system-sleep 0000000682 682 Bytes
Comments 2

Rodrigo Pedra Brum's avatar

NUT 2.8.0 is out

I am not sure how to request a packaging update, but this new version (after 6 years) would help me configure my UPS without hacks.

Thanks in advance

Sascha Weber's avatar

Pinged the team to have someone review this.

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