Java/Scala library providing parsing of input text based on PEGs

Edit Package parboiled

parboiled is a mixed Java/Scala library providing for lightweight and
easy-to-use, yet powerful and elegant parsing of arbitrary input text
based on Parsing expression grammars (PEGs). PEGs are an alternative to
context free grammars (CFGs) for formally specifying syntax, they
make a good replacement for regular expressions and generally have quite
a few advantages over the "traditional" way of building parser via CFGs.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
1.1.6.tar.gz 0000215393 210 KB
_multibuild 0000000054 54 Bytes
parboiled-1.1.6-build.tar.xz 0000002804 2.74 KB
parboiled-core-1.1.6.pom 0000001731 1.69 KB
parboiled-java-1.1.6.pom 0000002575 2.51 KB
parboiled-port-to-objectweb-asm-5.0.1.patch 0000002593 2.53 KB
parboiled-scala_2.10-1.1.6.pom 0000002092 2.04 KB
parboiled.changes 0000000851 851 Bytes
parboiled.spec 0000004450 4.35 KB
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